Dear Buzan Trainer,
The digital age has brought new challenges for organizations around the world. To remain competitive, they need to accelerate learning on their teams, while dealing with uncertainty, tackling complex problems, and consistently innovating. These demands have brought a huge burden of responsibilities to entrepreneurs, managers, and employees in their day to day, so having tools such as Mind Mapping is more important than ever.
We’ve been listening to the challenges of our worldwide TBLIs and have taken their valuable feedback into consideration for significantly enhancing our insignia program. For example, we found out that you need guidance and support for effectively positioning and selling your Buzan courses and services in your niches.
Therefore, the enhanced TBLI version includes what you can do to make your business reach more customers and increase your revenue. Moreover, the structure of the new program follows our meta-learning philosophy: from Knowing, to Doing, to Being.

Knowing: Learn and understand how to craft Mind Maps at an advanced level, including their underlying principles (aka “the laws”), and how to evaluate and improve Mind Maps via our official scorecard.

Doing: Practice how to use and deliver the content to your customers via high-octane applications including how to Mind Map a book, as well as how to use this tool for creativity, planning, and project management.

Being: Transform into a world-class trainer/advisor, and a top influencer in your niche, by using the LEAN sales process and integrating best-in-class Mind Mapping, and presentation skills into your competency arsenal.
The new TBLI curricula comprise 5 modules:
(I) Advanced Mind Mapper Program (online)

Learn the scientific grounds of Mind Mapping including the latest research that sheds light on their key benefits, such as enhanced creativity, better problem-solving, and higher productivity.

Learn how to Mind Map like a pro, for becoming a role model for your peers and customers. You’ll also learn how to evaluate/improve Mind Maps using our official scorecard.

Learn the key applications of Mind Mapping, such as how to Mind Map a book, and how to use Mind Maps for planning, project management, and innovation.

(II) Day 1 (in-person):
- Deep review, reflection, and guidance on how to deliver the TBLI content in the form of Mind Mapping courses, consulting services, and other value propositions as well.
- Understand how Mind Maps enhance thinking skills (lead indicators of success) and how these competencies impact your customers’ lag indicators, such as increased productivity, better ROI, better academic performance (for the educational field), and expanded creativity, to name a few.

(III) Day 2 (in-person):
- Value Proposition Generator. You’ll learn how to create a unique value proposition for the market niche(s) where you want to sell or apply Mind Maps, managing to set aside the competition and generating faster sales closures.
- ROI Mastery. You’ll learn how to achieve faster and greater returns on investment by using the LEAN sales process to approach customers with specific problem/solution discovery tools for building effective sales funnels and crafting proposals. In this way, you’ll offer innovative, unique and tailored proposals for your niche.
- Proposal structure. During this workshop, you’ll develop, a step-by-step proposal for your market niche, following the LEAN principles leveraged by the Mind Mapping methodology.

(IV) Day 3 (in-person):
- Presentation Mastery. You’ll be guided by our experts on how to create, adapt and deliver world-class Mind Mapping courses and speeches for your niche by applying MIG (the most important graph in the world) and best-in-class presentation principles.
- You’ll learn and practice proven presentation techniques taught by an expert. You’ll use TEFCAS (our meta-learning methodology) for continuously improving your performance. We’ll provide one-on-one feedback.
- You’ll learn how to take advantage of the new Buzan sources and business models for multiplying your income opportunities as Mind Mapping advisors, book publishers through our own editorial house, keynote speakers at our regional and worldwide events, content producers for the World Brain Academy, and tutors/professors for our online and hybrid programs.

(V) Twelve-Month support (renewed on a yearly basis), including:
- Guidance through online (live) group coaching sessions (12 sessions per year) on how to become a world-class trainer and apply Mind Maps in various vertical markets.
- Guidance through online (live) group coaching sessions (5 sessions per year) on how to apply the LEAN process for implementing your business model and sales & marketing processes in your niche(s).
- Exclusive access to new sources of revenue such as becoming tutors/professors for our online and hybrid programs, and publishing online courses and books using our marketing channels and guidance.
- Enrollment on our official TBLI database, where you’ll be able to publish your curriculum and testimonials, and once you reach the senior or master levels, publish your training calendar and success cases on our website.
- You’ll become a premium partner for selling our programs, including courses, books, events, and software applications.

As you can see, our TBLI program has been significantly enriched.

Why? We want to honor and accelerate Tony Buzan’s vision of creating a Mentally Literate world.

What do we need to achieve our vision? We ought to have world-class resources.

How? Via a learning pathway that transforms our TBLIs into key influencers; the Brain Warriors who will drive our vision.

When? For the first time, we’ll run our renewed TBLI program on November 11-13 in Sunrise, Florida (40 minutes from the Miami International Airport). The second TBLI training will be held on March 9-11, 2020, also in Sunrise, Florida.
We also want to equip our TBLIs with vertical applications that will enable you to reach attractive markets. As you may know, we already have licensed trainer specializations on Memory, Speed Reading, and Creativity.
In November 14-15 (just after the TBLI program), we’ll launch our new specialization:
Licensed Instructor in Project Innovation through Mind Mapping.
This certification will enable you to teach your customers a complete project innovation cycle: from project ideation to project implementation. Likewise, this program will take you to the next level in your TBLI learning path: Senior Buzan Instructor (one specialization on top of your TBLI degree) or Master Buzan Instructor if you have already taken at least one specialization before.
Following are the topics that we’re going to cover during our November 14-15 and March event:

We’d like to extend you a very special invitation to both events, at a one-time grandfather price (subject to space availability), targeting a select group of TBLIs.

TBLI Program
November 11-13, 2019 or March 9-11, 2020.
Location: Hilton DoubleTree at Sunrise, Florida.

Project Innovation Program
November 14-15, 2019 or March 12-13, 2020.
Location: Hilton DoubleTree at Sunrise, Florida.
If you choose to attend both events (i.e. TBLI and Project Innovation), the training package includes the following:

Advanced Mind Mapper online course: $1,250 USD.

TBLI Retake (3-day in person program): $1,500 USD.

Project innovation specialization: $2,800 USD.

12-month renewal as an official TBLI: $300 USD.

iMindMap Ultimate 11 license: $230 USD.
Total: $6,080 USD – Your special price: $1,950 USD.
The special grandfather price of $1,950.00 is subject to space availability and a time limit.
If you only want to retake the new TBLI program, the bundle includes:

Advanced Mind Mapper online course: $1,250 USD.

TBLI Retake, including the advanced Mind Mapper online program: $1,500 USD.

12-month renewal as an official TBLI: $300 USD.

iMindMap Ultimate 11 license: $230 USD.
Total: $3,280 USD – Your special price: $750 USD.
The special grandfather price of $750.00 is subject to space availability and a time limit.

Have Questions? Perfect. We’ve got answers for you!
When could you attend these events?
You could take either of these events in November 2019 and/or March 2020, combining the events (TBLI + specialization) in whatever way you want, but you need to enroll in the programs and pay no later than November 8th, 2019 to enjoy this grandfather price, which will not be available ever again.
For example, you could attend both events in November (11-15) or the project innovation specialization in November (14-15) and the new TBLI in March (9-11) or both events in March (9-13), or any other combination (TBLI + specialization).
The online Advanced Mind Mapper program would be available as soon as you enroll in the program and you could take this online program whenever you want within the next 12 months from the date that you enrolled.
What if you have already renewed your TBLI status?
You’ll extend your TBLI membership 12 months more, from the date when your current TBLI membership expires.
What if you’ve not renewed your TBLI status?
This is an excellent opportunity to be re-incorporated into the exclusive community of Buzan Instructors since both packages include a one-year renewal of your certification.
By taking the new material (Advanced Mind Mapper) and the 3-day TBLI, you’ll update your knowledge and become a fully-fledged Buzan instructor once again.
Moreover, by taking the Project Innovation specialization, you’ll be able to reach the senior (or master if you have already taken one specialization) trainer level.
Take the results of your business to another level. Learn to create more value and revenue by optimizing your TBLI certification.
Make a difference and become a person of influence in your market. Enroll in these programs as soon as possible to secure your participation and the one-time grandfather price.
Floreant dendritae from the entire Buzan team!