Become a TBLI in creativity
May 17-18 – Fort Lauderdale, Florida
The big opportunity

The TBLI in creativity at a glance
The program provides the tools and processes so you could teach your customers (or internal peers) the science and practice of creativity for generating and implementing fresh, innovative ideas that impact the organization’s key performance indicators.
You’ll learn and practice a world class process (FISHER ®) that combines the latest neuroscience research with the most effective innovation paradigms. It uses Mind Mapping as the core meta-tool for unleashing the creative potential of people and organizations.
You’ll leverage the fact that creativity is a crucial skill according to the World Economic Forum research, but one that is poorly deployed as suggested by the long-term creativity research led by Ken Robinson: only 2% of adults use creativity in an effective way.
Following is the FISHER process that you’ll learn to facilitate for your customers:

Using convergent thinking, in this phase you’ll focus on the selected opportunity (e.g. increasing profits, inventing a new product, or improving productivity) for fully understanding its details and context.

Now switching to a divergent thinking mode, this step engages the brain’s powerful parallel processing network for finding the key success drivers and potential array of ideas for the selected opportunity.

In this phase you’ll combine divergent and convergent thinking for discovering original and differentiated ideas that address the opportunity, via the formulation of scenarios and initiatives through Mind Mapping.

Using convergent thinking you’ll harvest the ideas with more value-generating potential without prematurely discarding those that could be regarded as illogical or improbable but could eventually become blockbusters.

Using a combination of divergent and convergent thinking, you’ll evaluate the potential of the harvested ideas through fast prototyping without investing a lot of time or money, so the best ideas could jump into the implementation stage.

In this step you’ll formulate a plan for implementing the ideas that better fulfill your goals. You’ll use an agile planning framework for developing and executing the selected initiatives.
Program’s faculty

Tony Buzan
Program director and visiting professor
Tony Buzan is the world-renowned inventor of Mind Mapping and expert on the brain, memory, speed reading, creativity and innovation. Professor Buzan will participate in an online concurrent session of approximately 2 hours where he will present the new paradigms of creativity and hold a questions and answers session. He has been named as one of the world’s top 5 speakers by Forbes magazine. Through over 40 years of research into the workings of the brain, Tony Buzan is dedicating his life to developing and refining techniques to help individuals think better and more creatively, and reach their full potential. He has awakened the brains of millions worldwide. Described as “one of the most influential leaders in the field of thinking creatively”, Tony utilises his accredited training courses to build a network of highly specialised experts in creative thinking, project management, memory and speed reading techniques.

Jorge Castaneda, PhD
Lead Professor
Dr. Castaneda is CEO of Buzan US and Regional President of the American World Memory Council. He is the inventor of the Root Cause Systemic Mapping methodology for problem solving, the Core Intelligences Leadership Model, and the FISHER technique for applied creativity, which have been widely used in both private corporations and government institutions in different parts of the World. He is the author of the Mind Mapping Techniques and Applications and Mind Mapping in Business Administration textbooks, and co-author (along with Tony Buzan) of The Most Important Graph in the World book (2012). He is also the author of the Multiple Intelligences (2008) and Recall Curves (2007) seminal research. He is one of the three Grandmaster Buzan trainers in the world and holds a PhD in Management Innovation from the Swiss Business School and a Master of Sciences in Operations research from Stanford.

Elaine Colliar
Visiting professor
Elaine is five times World Mind Mapping Champion, and author of books on Mind Mapping, memory and study skills. She is one of the three GrandMaster Buzan Trainers and a well-recognized professional speaker and advisor. She has also been a stage and Production Manager for various theatre productions and a regular columnist in the Sunday Mail. Within the creativity program she will conduct a concurrent online session on how you could use hand-drawn Mind Maps for triggering original creativity.