Become a certified Buzan practitioner

And transform into a global thought leader

Your survival skills for the rest of the century

The World Economic Forum’s most recent Future of Jobs report concluded that the three crucial skills for the 21st century worker are problem solving, critical thinking and creativity.

Problem solving

The skill for identifying, evaluating, and implementing solutions for problems in complex, real-world settings. More than 56% of all jobs require complex problem-solving abilities as a core skill.

Critical thinking

The ability to conceptualize, analyze, apply, synthesize and evaluate information to reach an answer or conclusion, by engaging our brains in reflective and unbiased thinking.


The ability to conceive, assess and implement original and valuable ideas. Creative jobs will grow by 5.3 per cent over the next 10 years. Innovative companies will survive and thrive.

How are these skills currently deployed?

Cognitive skills

Sixty percent of HR managers claim that recent graduates do not possess critical thinking and problem solving skills at the level needed by organizations, according to the PayScale 2016 study.

Creative fluency

Only 2% of people generate original ideas based on the study conducted by  Ken Robinson for the UK government including more than 200,000 participants across the world.

Project management

Less than 50% of projects comply with their objectives of time and budget, while more than 35% of projects are deemed as failures, according to the 2016 Project Management Institute research.

The Mind Mapping difference

Mind Maps propel your thinking skills such as problem solving, critical thinking and crearivity. Research confirms the value of this powerful methodology, named as the “Swiss Army knife for the brain” by Times magazine.

300% increase in idea generation according to the 2008 study conducted by Americ Jenkins for South Oregon University.
30% increase in productivity discovered by the research conducted by Chuck Frey in 2011 with Fortune 500 companies.
65% increase in project management effectiveness according to the 2012 research conducted by Henri Toi in Malaysia and Singapore.

Practitioner Training Calendar 2019

Take the advanced practitioner certification in Mind Mapping and improve your problem solving, critical thinking and creativity skills at a world class level. Learn the ins and outs of Mind Mapping and its key applications such as creativity, project management and problem solving.

If you eventually want to become a certified trainer in Mind Mapping, you’ll have a timespan of 12 months for enrolling in a Tony Buzan Licensed Instructor program, and just pay the difference in price after fully deducting your course investment.

May 14-15
Hilton Doubletree, Sunrise, Florida

Advanced practitioner in Mind Mapping

November 12-13
Hilton Doubletree, Sunrise, Florida

Advanced practitioner in Mind Mapping
“Thanks for a fantastic class! Usually when I attend a seminar or a class, my expectation is to walk away with 3 key ‘take-aways’. Your TLI course provided me so much more – well worth the investment of both time and money.”
Debbie Long, President and CEO of Strategic Technology Communications
“I feel I can apply this immediately and it will have a meaningful impact.”
Robert Fischer, Director of Portfolio Management, Financial Advisor, Morgan Stanley
“Very honestly: Loved every minute of this experience – feeling like I became a member of a family that I was looking for for ages!”
David Svoboda, GEO Business Manager at Intel

Frequently asked questions

Where is this accreditation valid?

This Buzan certification has global validity as an advanced practitioner in Mind Mapping.

What benefits do I get as an advanced practitioner in Mind Mapping?

You’ll enjoy two types of benefits: First, the advanced practitioner certification enables you to increase your key thinking skills such as problem solving, critical thinking and creativity. Second, you’ll be able to use Mind Mapping, at an advanced level, for your projects and produce better returns on investment, more productivity, increased creativity and better results, among other things.

How could I continue learning after the training?

As a certified practitioner, you’ll be able to participate, at no further cost, in monthly webinars conducted by Tony Buzan and other world-renowned experts as eight-times World Memory champion Dominic O’Brien and 5 times World Mind Mapping champion Elaine Colliar. You’ll also be invited to join a private Facebook group for sharing best practices, networking and cross-fertilizing with other practitioners around the world. You’ll become part of the global community of thought leaders.

What if I want to become a licensed instructor in the future?

You’ll count on 18 months for enrolling in the Tony Buzan Licensed Instructor program and fully using your original investment so you’ll pay only for the difference in price between the practitioner and licensed instructor programs.

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