Programs investment
Tony Buzan Licensed Instructor
May 2019
You want to become a world class trainer
You have three options for embarking on your trainer’s journey:
- Join our flagship course for becoming a Tony Buzan Licensed Instructor in Mind Mapping (TBLI).
- Join our TBLI in Creativity program for becoming a certified instructor in creativity and reaching either the Senior level (1 specialization) or Master status (3 specializations) as a trainer.
- Take advantage of the attractive bundle discount and traveling optimization and join two consecutive programs. Our flagship TBLI course in Mind Mapping and theTBLI in Creativity.
- Includes our flagship TBLI in Mind Mapping program with its 3 phases: before (online onboarding), during (3 day in-person event) and after (12 months of ongoing support)
- Twelve months (12) of TBLI support
- MindMap Ultimate license (a $235 value)
- Official diploma, signed by Tony Buzan, as a licensed instructor in Mind Mapping
- Includes the TBLI in Creativity program
- Grants Senior (1 specialization) or Master (3 specializations) TBLI status.
- 12 months of TBLI support
- One iMindMap Ultimate licenses (a $235 value)
- Allows instructors to certify practitioners at an advanced level in the creativity
- Official diplomas, signed by Tony Buzan, as a TBLI in Mind Mapping (first diploma) and creativity (second diploma)
- Includes the TBLI in Mind Mapping core program with all its benefits plus the specializations in creativity
- Grants TBLI senior (if it is the first specialization that the TBLI takes) or master status (if it is the third specialization that the TBLI takes)
- Two iMindMap Ultimate licenses (a $690 value)
- Allows instructors to certify practitioners at an advanced level in Mind Mapping and creativity
- Official diplomas, signed by Tony Buzan, as a TBLI in Mind Mapping (1st diploma) and creativity (2nd diploma)
Years of research in Mind Mapping and the brain
Million people use Mind Maps around the world
Million books sold by professor Tony Buzan
You’re already a TBLI and want to reach the senior or master degrees
If you are already a TBLI in Mind Mapping (our core program), you could continue growing as a Tony Buzan Licensed Instructor by attending the TBLI in Creativity and reaching the senior or master levels. You’ll attain the senior level by attending one specialization (such as TBLI in Creativity) on top of your core degree of Tony Buzan Licensed Instructor in Mind Mapping and you’ll reach rthe ultimate Master level when you take 3 specializations.
- Includes the TBLI in Creativity program
- Grants Senior (1 specialization) or Master (3 specializations) TBLI status.
- 12 months of TBLI support
- One iMindMap Ultimate license (a $235 value)
- Allows instructors to certify practitioners at an advanced level in the creativity
- Official diplomas, signed by Tony Buzan, as a TBLI in Mind Mapping (first diploma) and creativity (second diploma)