Your certification diploma as a Buzan Senior Trainer 


Hi Jon: Here is your Senior Buzan Trainer diploma, specialized in Mind Mapping and Project Innovation, certified by the  Tony Buzan Group (TBG) and Buzan US.

How to upload your diploma to LinkedIn

F0llowing is the certification information that you will type in the Licenses and Certifications section of your profile:

(1) Name: Senior Buzan Trainer in Mind Mapping and Project Innovation
(2) Issuing organization: Buzan Americas
(3) Issuing date: November 15, 2019
(4) Expiration date:
(5) Credential ID: BST-Aga-Jon-2019-11-15
(6) Credential URL:

To access the Licenses and Certifications section on your LinkedIn profile click the following button:

Frequently asked questions

Where is this accreditation valid?

The Buzan licensed certification has global validity so you could offer Mind Mapping practitioner courses around the world. 

Does the certification need to be renewed?

The certification ought to be renewed every 12 months (counted from your certification date) to continue as part of the official list of worldwide instructors and be able to certify practitioners with accredited courses. The renewal, which currently accounts for $300 per year, also includes access to training and other exclusive content, and your participation in the monthly webinars and other events (such as the annual TBLI summit) at no further cost.

What do I need for certifying customers / users as accredited practitioners?

You’ll have access to the training content so you could deliver your courses using the PowerPoint presentations and related materials. Moreover, the package for certifying customers as accredited practitioners includes a personalized certificate signed by Tony Buzan Group and the iMindMap Ultimate software in the latest available version. Each package costs $100.00 and has to be purchased in bundles of 10 units. 

What could I do with my accreditation?

The instructor certification allows you to deliver the Mind Mapping base course, as well as your certified specializations (e.g. project innovation), to external or internal customers and accredit participants as certified practitioners. Additionally, you could also provide consulting services accredited by the Tony Buzan Group and integrate Mind Mapping modules into your existing courses.

What is the internal rating system and how does it work?
Each accredited course given by you will provide an electronic feedback form (link) for customers to fill out at the end of the training. This system will not be published and / or shared with any other party aside from the instructor. The system will allow us to identify quality gaps and support instructors with lower ratings in improving their course delivery. Our objective is for you to become a world class instructor who enables our vision: Creating a Mentally Literate World.
How could I participate in TBG / Buzan US projects?

Buzan US and TBG need trainers, tutors, and consultants for their projects—mainly tutoring for advanced courses (mostly online) and consulting services. Therefore, based on geography, specialization and the instructor’s internal rating system (based on customer feedback) we’ll assign projects to you and your peers at our own discretion.

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