Unlocking the True Human Potential Masterclass

…through Mind Mapping and Intelligent Reading

What will you get in this Online Masterclass conducted by Tony Buzan?

Discover your key thinking skills. Understand how the brain works for developing the key competencies of the 21st-century leader.

This masterclass condenses decades of brain research. Transform your mindset as a true mentally-literate leader through more than 30 online chapters. 

Discover the foundations of intelligent reading with the methodology created by Tony Buzan, which has been used by many Fortune 500 companies.

Total Value: $497 USD FREE, our special gift for you as a Licensed Instructor!

Please answer the following questions to gain access to your free masterclass.

    Coach / Instructor / Consultant.University / School Professor.I own a company.I work for an organization (other than the educational field).Other.


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    thumb_01_60_60David Svoboda

    Consultant & Geo Business Manager, Intel

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    thumb_01_60_60Debbie Long

    President & CEO, Strategic Technology Communications

    “Thanks for a fantastic class! Usually when I attend a seminar, my expectation is to walk away with 3 key ‘take-aways’. Your course provided me so much more – a totally worthy investment between money and time.”

    thumb_01_60_60Robert J. Fischer

    Financial Advisor, Morgan Stanley, Investment Banking Company

    “I feel I can apply this immediately and it will have a meaningful impact. Mind Maps teaches you how you can organize your mind and multitask effectively. I also learnt how to adapt this method in my daily life.”

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